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An old, highland region, with vineyard areas shaped by the river Duero. Its situation on the Meseta Central provides extremes of climate with cold winter nights and scorching summer days. The diurnal range is vital to balanced ripening during veraison.

The old river valley provides not only the location of the best vinyard sites, but also the variation in soils and a dampening effect on the temperatures. The regions clay top soil is strew with alluvial pebbles left by the ancient path of the river.

Old-vine Tinta de Toro, a region-specific clone of Tempranillo, is king here, with only small contributions from Verdejo and other varieties. The main wine produced in the region is big, bold red. Plenty of tannic structure for ageing, along with alcohol for richness and body. But the key here is balance, and we feel Antony Terryn, of Dominio Del Bendito, fully undestands this.

